Microscope Museum

Collection of antique microscopes and other scientific instruments


Scopelite microscope electrical lamp (Clay Adams)

A picture containing leather

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Description automatically generated with medium confidenceA black pencil sharpener with a blue circle

Description automatically generated with low confidenceA picture containing appliance, silver

Description automatically generated with medium confidenceA black device with a magnifying glass

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Scopelite microscope electrical lamp from Clay Adams, dated to the 1950s (Figure 1). The lamp is engraved with ‘SCOPELITE, CLAY ADAMS CO, NY’ and ‘MADE IN U.S.A.’. This lamp is moulded in bakelite and could be used either as substage lamp or in front of the microscope. Clay Adams was an American manufacturer and importer of laboratory, surgical, and medical supplies. The company was managed from 1916 to 1935 by Robert Louis Toplitz. In 1964, Clay Adams became a division of Becton, Dickinson and Company.


A close-up of a camera

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Figure 1. The Clay Adams’s Scopelite substage illuminator as engraved in a 1955 catalogue of the company Macalaster Bicknell in the USA.